International projects

The Institute participates in the development of international cooperation in the field of initial training and further education in heritage, by joining forces with local university partners. It is particularly active in the Mediterranean basin, China, and Africa.

The International Relations Department, in partnership with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, provides support to all those involved in a country's culture and heritage.
Based on an analysis of needs, it provides expertise and proposes the development of training programs focused on developing skills and know-how in the fields of heritage conservation and restoration, or in the safeguarding or conservation-restoration of cultural, natural, scientific or archaeological heritage.

Le Louvre Abou Dabi - Photo : DR

Abu Dhabi

Since 2010, the Institut national du patrimoine has been involved in the training of museum professionals and the project to

Mother Armenia Monument, Yerevan - CC BY Armineaghayan


In Armenia, with the support of the French Embassy and in association with the Scientific Research Center of the Historical

Etude de clavecins flamands du XVIIIe siècle au Musée des Instruments de Musique de Bruxelles - Photo : INP


The Inp has a long-standing relationship with a number of Belgian institutions. The collaborations are being strengthened through European projects.

Maquette de l’Edo Museum of West African Art, à Bénin City, au Nigeria - Photo : Adjaye Associates


In Benin, the Institute is involved in a project supported by AFD/Expertise France, the Agence Nationale de Promotion des Patrimoines

Temple de Gongshutang, Chine - Photo : Pauline Chassaing


The Institute has been forging academic, cultural, and educational cooperation links with China since 2003, within the framework of several

Chantier-école, Gabon  - Photo : INP


As part of the MUSEOGAB project supported by the French Embassy in Gabon (Fonds de Solidarité pour les Projets Innovants

Eglise Saint-Louis des Français de Rome - Photo : CC BY NikonZ7II


Italy is a privileged partner of the Institut national du patrimoine. The Institute has been forging cooperative links with Italy

Beyrouth, Liban - Photo : CC BY Vyacheslav Argenberg


Having been present in the Lebanon for several years, the Institute's activities there were reinforced following the explosion in the

 Visite du chantier du Musée des Oudayas, Maroc - Photo : INP


The Institute has been working on projects with Morocco since 2005. Its activities take the form of hosting Moroccan professionals

Musée Théodore Monod, Sénégal - Photo : DR


The Institut national du patrimoine has been working with partners in Senegal since 2011. Its activities are supported by the

Lire aussi

European flag in Karlskrona 2011, MPD01605, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

European commitment

The pursuit of this objective takes the form of cooperation, expert appraisal and training missions, increased participation by the Institute...

 "Southern Cross" memorial at Portmarmock, County Dublin, Ireland - Photo : CC BY William Murphy

International Strategy

The Institut national du patrimoine aims to become a major international player in the field of training, research, protection, and

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