Competitive examinations for heritage curators

The external and internal competitive examinations for heritage curators are organised by the Institut national du patrimoine on behalf of the State (for the corps of heritage curators) and the City of Paris (for the corps of heritage curators of the City of Paris) and, on the basis of an agreement with the Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT) for local authorities (for the framework of employment of local authority heritage curators).

The tests for the State and City of Paris competitive entrance examinations, on the one hand, and for the local authorities, on the other, are identical, as are the selection boards. Successful candidates join the Institut National du Patrimoine for an 18-month training course in January of the year following the competition.

Etudiant - photo : DR

Concours externes

Les concours externes sont ouverts aux titulaires d'une licence, d’un diplôme classé au moins au niveau II ou d’une qualification

Visite d'élèves conservateur - Photo : Antonio Zuluaga / INP

Concours internes

Les concours internes sont ouverts aux agents publics pouvant justifier de 4 années d'expérience professionnelle, sans condition de diplôme. Les

Visite du FRAC - Photo : Patrick Dumeix / INP

Tour extérieur

L e tour extérieur permet aux candidats de prétendre à la nomination en qualité de conservateur du patrimoine.

Accueil Inp élèves
Les élèves conservateurs en cours - Photo : INP

Diploma in heritage curation

Each year, the Institut national du p atrimoine offers international heritage professionals the opportunity to apply to join the training

Accueil formation continue


La créatrice de vitraux Flavie Vincent-Petit - Photo : DR

PhD by the project

At doctoral level, the Institut national du patrimoine is a member of the EUR Humanités, Création et Patrimoine, which is

Accueil Chercheur


Le laboratoire - Photo : Chloé Bernard / INP

The research laboratory

The Laboratory of the department of conservators-restorers is a research unit recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education and reporting