Continuing education program

Continuing education at the Institut means an exhaustive range of courses, a community of nearly 500 lecturers, all leading professionals in their field, and a team of 10 permanent staff responsible for designing and organizing training courses.

The Institut has been awarded the Qualiopi certification. It is also a Datadock-certified training organization.

Une salle de formation, INP

Formations sur-mesure

Forte d’un réseau d’experts sur de nombreux champs du patrimoine, l'institut propose des formules conçues sur mesure, en fonction de

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Le laboratoire

The research laboratory

The Laboratory of the department of conservators-restorers is a research unit recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education and reporting

La Manufacture des Allumettes - Photo : Laure Vandeninde, 2017

The institute

The Institut national du patrimoine is the French Ministry of Culture's higher education institution specialising in the training of heritage...

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