Des participantes Inp au chantier-école en spécialité textiles à Tachkent du 3 au 14 juin 2024 - Photo : Fondation pour le développement de l’art et de la culture


The National Heritage Institute has had cooperative links with Uzbekistan since 2024.

Key dates

2024: Hosting heritage professionals for training in scientific photography methods, in partnership with the C2RMF.

2024: In partnership with the Uzbek Art and Culture Development Foundation and the Agency of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and thanks to the support of Patricia Vergez, former head of the painting workshop at the Inp and current international technical expert in Tashkent, two work-schools for student restorers from the Inp were held in Tashkent in May and June 2024.


Accueil Inp élèves
Les élèves conservateurs en cours - Photo : INP

Diploma in heritage curation

Each year, the Institut national du p atrimoine offers international heritage professionals the opportunity to apply to join the training

Accueil formation continue


La créatrice de vitraux Flavie Vincent-Petit - Photo : DR

PhD by the project

At doctoral level, the Institut national du patrimoine is a member of the EUR Humanités, Création et Patrimoine, which is

Accueil Chercheur


Le laboratoire - Photo : Chloé Bernard / INP

The research laboratory

The Laboratory of the department of conservators-restorers is a research unit recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education and reporting