Chantier-école, Gabon  - Photo : INP


As part of the MUSEOGAB project supported by the French Embassy in Gabon (Fonds de Solidarité pour les Projets Innovants [support fund for innovative projects]), the Institut national du patrimoine was asked to contribute to training initiatives in partnership with the Musée National des Arts, Rites et Traditions du Gabon and the Omar Bongo University in Libreville.

In particular, the project has made it possible to host two professionals from the national museum in the curatorial course, to involve them in field-schools in France, to organise a field-school in Gabon and to contribute to a better understanding of conservation practices and approaches in the two countries.

A few dates

2023: Lecture on the masks of Gabon by Joséphine Bivigou Moutsinga, a Gabonese student in the 18-month international diploma course for heritage curation.

2022-2023: Two members of staff from the Musée National des Arts, Rites et Traditions du Gabon joined the international course for heritage curators (18 months).

2022: Creation of a preventive conservation field-school bringing together Inp students and staff from the Musée national des Arts, Rites et Traditions du Gabon. Supervised by Frédérique Vincent, a consultant in preventive conservation and conservator-restorer of ethnographic objects, this study of the collections enabled the implementation of a chain of operations for the inventorying of the collections: dusting, condition reporting, marking, photography, and storing.


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