Voices of Culture

The Inp was one of 47 organisations selected to take part in the Voices of Culture European discussion session on the status and working conditions of professionals in culture.

Rapport du groupe de travail Voices of Culture à la Commission européenne - Photo : Pauline Chassaing / Inp

The discussions took place on 2 and 3 December 2020 and led to the drafting of a report in June 2021, submitted on 14 July to representatives of the European Commission. On this occasion, the Institute was asked to present chapter 3, devoted to research, continuing education, representation, and entrepreneurship.

Read more: https://voicesofculture.eu/

Read final report: https://www.voicesofculture.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/VoC-Skills-and-training-Final-report-with-Appendix1.pdf

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