The Scientific Boardadvises on the school's educational and academic policy.

Marianne Cojannot-Le Blanc is an alumna of the Ecole Normale Supérieure on the rue d'Ulm, an agrégée in history and a former fellow in art history of the Villa Medici/Académie de France in Rome. Since 2011 she has been a professor at the University of Paris Nanterre, where she lectures in early modern art.
Her research focuses on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to which she has devoted several books and articles. She has held numerous teaching positions and elected offices in higher education and research. She is currently head of the “Temps, Espaces, Cultures” doctoral school at the University of Paris Nanterre, a member of the academic advisory council of the Musée du Grand Siècle and a member of the editorial board of the Revue de l'art.
The members of the two specialised sections.
In addition to the chairman and ex officio members, each section comprises:
1° For the department training heritage curators:
a) Nine members appointed by the Minister for Culture:
- a member nominated by the Academic Advisory Council of the École Nationale des Chartes;
- a member nominated by the Studies and Research Council of the École du Louvre;
- a member nominated by the academic council of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique;
- a leading academic figure;
Five members representing the various specialities in conservation heritage, including two chosen from among the members of the corps of heritage curators, one from among the members of the corps of heritage curators of the City of Paris and two from among the members the local authority heritage curators.
b) Three elected members:
- a representative of the trainee heritage curators and local authority heritage curator students;
- two representatives of those who provide the teaching given by the department of curators.
2° For the department of conservators-restorers:
a) Nine members appointed by the Minister for Culture:
- a member nominated by the Director of the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France;
- a member nominated by the director of the historical monuments research laboratory;
- a member nominated by the director of the research centre on conservation;
- two academics, one of whom is nominated by the President of the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne;
- four members specialising in heritage conservation-restoration, each representing a different speciality.
b) Three elected members:
- one representative of the current student conservators-restorers;
- two representatives of those who provide the teaching given by the department of conservators-restorers.