Inauguration à Abou Dabi du programme MuseoPro. H.E. Saood Abdulaziz Al Hosani sous-secrétaire du DCT serrant la main d'Hervé Hervé Barbaret, directeur général de France Muséums

Abu Dhabi: inauguration of the MuseoPro programme

The MuseoPro programme, co-constructed by Inp, France Muséums and the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT), was inaugurated on February 15 in the presence of Rachida Dati, French Minister for Culture, H.E. Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, Chairman of the DCT, H.E. Saood Abdulaziz Al Hosani, Under-Secretary of the DCT, Hervé Barbaret, Director General of France Muséums and Charles Personnaz, Director of Inp.

This ambitious training programme, supported by the French Minister for Culture, is designed to provide comprehensive, long-term professional training (18 months) for the staff of the Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT), which now has more than 2,500 employees.

An innovative programme of unprecedented scope for Inp

France and the United Arab Emirates enjoy a strong cultural relationship, illustrated in particular by the creation of the Louvre Abu Dhabi in 2017 following the signature of an intergovernmental agreement in 2007.

France Muséums has been training the Louvre Abu Dhabi teams since 2007, in collaboration with the Ecole du Louvre and the Institut National du Patrimoine, as well as partner institutions.

Discours de la Ministre Rachida Dati à propos du lancement du programme MuseoPro - Photo : INP

In 2023, the Department of Culture and Tourism expressed its desire to develop and diversify its training offer for a wider professional audience. With MuseoPro, for the first time in the Emirates, the aim is to offer comprehensive, long-term (18 months) professional training for staff working in the field of heritage and museums.

The MuseoPro programme is a large-scale training project developed by a dedicated team within the Institut national du patrimoine, working in partnership with France Muséums. It draws on the network of the Sorbonne Abu Dhabi and the Ministry of Culture, and involves museum professionals in France, as well as professionals from museums in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Tailor-made training for the DCT

The Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT) is a government entity dedicated to the promotion and development of culture and tourism in the Abu Dhabi region of the United Arab Emirates. The DCT aims to preserve and promote the region's cultural heritage, as well as encouraging tourism by attracting visitors from all over the world. It organises various cultural events, supports artistic initiatives and promotes Abu Dhabi's touristic attractions. Its aim is to make Abu Dhabi a leading cultural and touristic destination.

The aim of the 6-month course on fundamentals is to build common ground and to pass on the basic knowledge needed by heritage professionals. It is structured around three modules:

  •     Introduction to museum organisations,
  •     Academic fundamentals in History of Art, Archaeology, and History of Science,
  •     Documentation of cultural heritage.

The 12-month specialisation course will include more technical modules tailored to each profession and to the specific needs of participants. It is structured around 7 modules:

  •     Conservation and exhibition of works,
  •     Collection management: inventory and registration of works,
  •     Public mediation and management,
  •     Acquisition of cultural property and its risks,
  •     Library management,
  •     Management of scientific, technical and natural collections,
  •     Management of cultural institutions: strategies and policies.

The training programme

The training programme is characterised by a tailor-made and adaptive teaching approach, combining theoretical and practical courses, operational workshops, and peer exchanges, between mid-February 2024 and June 2025.

It is organised in two training curricula, the first covering the fundamentals and the second specialising in the professional training needs of the staff of the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT).

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