Maquette de l’Edo Museum of West African Art, à Bénin City, au Nigeria - Photo : Adjaye Associates


In Benin, the Institute is involved in a project supported by AFD/Expertise France, the Agence Nationale de Promotion des Patrimoines et de Développement du Tourisme (ANPT) and the Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA), which aims to strengthen both the Ecole du Patrimoine Africain and links with Beninese heritage professionals. The project has been designed to enable actions to be developed jointly, with a view to exchanging teaching methods between the two training establishments.

Benin currently has seven museums, and a number of new projects have been launched that should double that number. Benin's heritage is varied, and in the context of restitutions, these museums are intended to attract Beninese and international visitors.

A few dates

January-March 2024: several successive missions have been organized in 2023-2024 to contribute to the implementation of and exchanges on the teaching methods used at the “chantiers-école”.

2023-2024: Implementation of a programme for EPA training providers, heritage professionals, on the themes of exhibition design and organisation, cultural education, inventorying and documentation of collections, and the preventing the looting and illicit trafficking of cultural goods.

September 2023: visit by an EPA delegation in the context of the project to develop the capacities of Beninese heritage professionals from the Agence Nationale de Promotion des Patrimoines et de Développement du Tourisme (ANPT).

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